
Dicky Adriansyah Budiman


I am a dedicated teacher and facilitator at Sekolah Alam Cikeas in Indonesia, where I have also served as the principal of both elementary and kindergarten schools. With over 15 years of teaching experience, my passion for education has grown immensely. At Sekolah Alam Cikeas, I not only teach but also contribute as an internal trainer and coach, continuously enhancing educational practices within the institution.

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Driven by the belief that experience is the best teacher, I am a strong advocate for experiential learning. This approach emphasizes learning through experience, and I have detailed this methodology in my book, Integrated Experiential Learning. I am enthusiastic about sharing this method with fellow educators, parents, and anyone interested in creating memorable and effective learning experiences. My expertise lies in designing learning experiences that are both engaging and impactful. I specialize in experiential learning design, teacher coaching, and parenting strategies. My goal is to help children and educators alike benefit from immersive and practical learning methods that can be applied in both school and home environments.

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