
Jessica Tan Siew Meng


With the moniker ‘Business Process Inspirer’, Jessica is an experienced trainer certified by the Human Resource Development fund, PEAKS Psychometric Profiling and Meta NLP Practitioner on Personal Coaching. As a business process and performance development partner for many organisations ranging from SMEs to mutli-national corporations in the Asia Pacific Region, she has helped many corporations gain greater growth with her training programmes.

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A graduate of the Taiwan National University, her years of consultation led her to realize that having a company building SOPs alone is not sufficient, as it is important for the employees to be taught on how to maintain and improve these procedures. To encourage learning, her training sessions are experiential and highly interactive, where learning is done through a combination of group activities, exercises, discussions, presentations, fun, lots of reflection and sharing. Among her many successes include helping Nurul Izzah Catering grow amazingly, enjoying a revenue growth of 300% in 2011 and increasing the number of personnel from 5 to 15 in the same period. She also helped Colourman Online Sdn Bhd to reduce the learning period by 50%. Jessica has trained regionally to in countries including Vietnam and China, to-date, she is NanYang Siang Pau appointed Columnist Writer and also a Certified PEAKS Psychometric Profiling Trainer. She has designed key programs to understand businesses workflows. These programs combine the best to help people understand organizational workflow, leading to new processes that improve efficiency and productivity.

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