Megha Saini
Megha Saini is a dedicated Soft Skill and Life Skill trainer with a deep passion for motivational speaking. As an NLP and Emotional Intelligence practitioner, certified by 6seconds USA, Megha brings a wealth of experience to her work. With over five years of public speaking experience, she has honed her ability to coach individuals on speech crafting and delivery, making her a persuasive and encouraging presence. Her ability to connect with people on a personal level is one of her strongest attributes, allowing her to inspire and motivate others effectively.
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- Registered Reskills Coach
Megha's trademark belief, "Words have power to inspire, and every small action can bring a big change," reflects her commitment to creating a positive impact through communication. Her expertise spans a range of areas, including Soft Skills, Life Skills, Emotional Intelligence, and Communication Skills, making her a highly effective speaker and coach in both personal and professional development.
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